Beyond Vision: How Miniature Horses Are Pioneering New Paths in Guide Assistance

A small herd of 6 miniature ponies graze in a field at sunset.

A groundbreaking initiative, “The Panda Project,” is demonstrating the potential of miniature horses as guide animals for the visually impaired.

National Federation of the Blind
April 23, 2024, 9:45 PM GMT

A small herd of 5 miniature ponies graze in a field at sunset.

Miniature horses are pioneering new paths in guide assistance.

Williamstown, PA, USA, April 23, 2024 — / — A groundbreaking initiative, “The Panda Project,” is demonstrating the potential of miniature horses as guide animals for the visually impaired. While The Panda Project itself may not be expanding its scope, their success paves the way for a more permanent program.

“By joining forces, we can create a sustainable program that trains miniature horses as guide animals, offering a compelling alternative for those seeking independence and companionship.”

Josh Kennedy

Building on Success: A New Guide Horse Program

This innovative approach has the potential to transform mobility solutions for people with vision loss. To achieve this, a dedicated, long-term program based on The Panda Project’s learnings is crucial.

The Power of Partnership: A Call to Action for Potential Sponsors

The success of such a program hinges on collaboration and support. The Panda Project invites organizations with a vested interest in improving the lives of the visually impaired to consider sponsoring this initiative.

Here are some potential partners who share this vision:

  • National Federation of the Blind (NFB)
  • American Council of the Blind (ACB)
  • Lions Clubs International
  • State Commissions for the Blind
  • Blindness and Visual Services

By joining forces, we can create a sustainable program that trains miniature horses as guide animals, offering a compelling alternative for those seeking independence and companionship,” said Josh Kennedy of the National Federation of the Blind.

Key Benefits of Miniature Guide Horses:

Longevity and Durability: With a lifespan of 25-50 years, miniature horses can provide assistance for much longer than traditional guide dogs, reducing the emotional and financial costs of frequently training new guide animals.

Allergy-Friendly: Perfect for individuals who suffer from allergies to dogs, providing a viable alternative without compromising on mobility and independence.

Adaptable: Intelligent, highly trainable and easily housebroken. Miniature horses like Panda are not only trainable but exhibit an exceptional ability to adapt to various environments, showing promise in navigating urban settings, public transportation, and crowded spaces.

Get Involved!

To learn more and to begin discussing the sponsorship and creation of a new and dedicated guide horse program, please visit the links below or contact Josh Kennedy at

Together, we can transform the landscape of guide assistance.” — Josh Kennedy, National Federation of the Blind

  1. Read Detailed Reports On How Guide Horses Are Housebroken And Trained
  2. Listen To An Interview
  3. Watch A Video Which Demonstrates Guide Horse Training